
quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

Artigo aprovado no ICIOEM, em Portugal (Guimarães) Apresentação em Julho de 2012. Development of a model based on financial and operating metrics for investment decisions (ICIEOM’2012) Nilton C. Carraro*, Giovani B. Gemente*, Carlos C. Lima* * Production and Systems Department, School of Engineering, University Methodist of Piracicaba, Campus of SBO, São Paulo, Brazil. + ABEPRO, Brazil Email: nilton.carraro@fgv.br; g.beccari@yahoo.com.br; crlima@unimep.br Abstract By being of general interest among companies and investors, this paper has as main purpose to show the performance evaluation mechanisms of an asset through the operation strategy approach as a base element to a successful corporate strategy. Based on Slack's model to measure the performance objectives, an extensive national and international bibliographic revision was carried out, where it was possible to create a proper and original model of financial and operating metrics that guide the investment decisions as assumptions to define the corporate strategy. Once this model was defined, simulations at some companies from different economic sectors were conducted and tests to check adherence to the model were performed, which showed a high level of suitability. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to show these results to other researchers with the intent to encourage contributions to the model and make it a useful tool in this type of decision.

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